List of Game organizations and Links.

NASGA: North American Scottish Games Athletics - NASGA was founded in 1976 and is dedicated to the promotion and understanding of Scottish Heavy Events competition in North America and to inform athletes, judges, officials, and all other interested persons of news and results of Scottish Highland Games held throughout North America. 

SAAA : Scottish American Athletics Association - The Scottish American Athletic Association is a professional sanctioning body that provides rules, regulations, standards, and implements for hosting both men’s and women’s Amateur and Professional Scottish Highland Games athletic competitions.  The SAAA is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization that works with local and national festivals to help promote and standardize the athletic aspect of Scottish culture, and celebrate its rich tradition.

ASGF : Association of Scottish Games and Festivals - Is a great resource that lists the Games and Festivals across the USA, by State and by Date. If you are looking for games near you this might be a great first stop. 

CSAF: Canadian Scottish Athletic Federation - Chartered to preserve the traditional athletic heritage of Scottish culture through Highland games in Canada. We seek to respect the diversity of the games in Canada, while providing support and opportunities for national unity through dialogue, education, and championships : Similar to NASGA, houses general games information including: calendar, rules, scores, gear links, how-to's. 

List of Athletic Organizations that provide the heavy athletics at games, and where to register for their games. 

Southeast Region

Backyard Rebellion: organizes the athletics for games across the southeast: AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, TN

F4SA: Foundation for Scottish Athletics organizes the athletics for games in Florida

TKA: Twisted Kilt Athletics organizes the athletics for games in Tennessee

SHAG: Southeast Highland Athletic Games organizes the athletics for games across the southeast: GA, SC, NC, TN, VA

Goin Rogue : Goin Rogue organizes games in Virginia

Northeast Region

MASA FB / MASA Web : Mid-Atlantic Scottish Athletics organizes the athletics for games in  MD, PA, WV, and VA

No Fame Games: organizes the athletics for games in Maine

Empire Throwing Club -  organizes the athletics for games in New York. 

Midwest Region

Ancient Athletics - Ancient Athletics organizes games in AR, IL, IN, MI, MO

ESDSA : Eastern South Dakota Scottish Athletics organizes games in SD

GLSAA: Great Lakes Scottish Athletics Association organizes games in OH, MI, PA

West Region

PNSHEA : Pacific Northwest Scottish Heavy Events Association - Organizes Events in OR, WA, BC

RMSA : Rocky Mountain Scottish Athletic Group organizes games in CO, WY.

Scottish Heavy Athletics : organizes games in CA.

TCAA : Texas Celtic Athletics Association - Organizes games in TX

UHA : Utah Heavy Athletics - Organizes games in UT

If you are or know of any Organizations that needs to be added please let us know! Email